The Five Second Rule for Tablecloths

During this busy time of year I think there is a lot to be said about simplicity. The holiday season can get so hectic in trying to buy the perfect gift, make the perfect cookie, throw the perfect party, and so on that a lot of the time we forget the reason for the season. So, in honor of bringing some simplicity to this season to save room for the real deal, I thought I would show you a super simple project (if you can even call it that) I did.

As you know, I have been gussy-ing up the dining room section of the Mego Cave. Well, I guess I have only installed my hunky new light fixture thus far. It goes to improve the space a lot, but it kind of made the table look kind of hum drum.

West Elm light fixture

I knew that a tablecloth would be a quick fix for that! But I actually was having trouble finding a nice, bright, cheery print that I absolutely loved. So I ambled over to one of my favorite fabric shops (Yellow Doors Interior) and hit up their clearance section. Boom, there it was. Teal chevron for $5 a yard. You know what came out of the store with me. Once out of the store it went over my table. I have previously measured it to see how much fabric I would need. So all I did was take it out of the bag and center it on the table. BAM. New tablecloth.

chevron table cloth

Yes, yes I could trim and hem it up. But I don’t know if I feel like it. I kind of like the idea of keeping it raw. That way, when I get tired of it as a tablecloth, I can whip it up into another project (can I say pillows anyone?!).

chevron tablecloth

chevron tablecloth

I know that this isn’t the most holiday like tablecloth, and I may make a switcheroo here in the next few days for the holiday season, but I am liking how cheery it is! So right now it is hanging in its new digs over the table, but who knows where you may  see it pop up again one day soon.

chevron tablecloth

See, decorating doesn’t have to be time consuming, hard, or expensive! So go hit up the clearance section of the fabric store and throw it over a table! Although, don’t buy something too expensive. Stains are imminent, I’m sure. That’s why I am looking into some placemats to help protect my fabric.