Go to the Movies by Yourself

Just because you are alone (whatever that means to you: single, just hanging by yourself while others are away, or something entirely different), it should never hold you back.

Want to see a movie? Try a new restaurant? Go to a concert? Check out a jazz band? Go sit at the lake?

Why do you need someone by yourself to validate those actions?

Be your own best company and get yourself out there and have some fun.

Of course, sharing experiences is so much fun – having someone to travel with, talk with, and make a memory together. There is no denying that is wonderful.

But going alone can be wonderful too. It opens up the event.

You don’t go with a friend or significant other, but everyone there suddenly becomes a possible fun time or friend.

The world kind of opens up when you see every event like that. An endless possibility of new friends, memories, or opportunities.

Yet, you don’t need to call it a successful event by the number of people you meet or friends you make. Sometimes there is just so much beauty in just being out by yourself. Enjoying a wonderful meal while quietly sitting there reflecting (and hard core people watching of course).

Or going to a movie and being able to pick your favorite seat with no other input.

Or swaying to the music enjoying being one in a crowd. Or acting moronic as you dance like a crazy person with no one to judge. You are never going to see those people again anyways!

Never, never, never let just being one person stop you from going out and doing something you want to. The opportunities are endless when you open yourself up to whatever could come your way.

  • Great advice! I am terrible about not doing things just because I have no one to do them with. I need to get over that and just do it!ReplyCancel

    • It can be really fun that way! Plus you’re so friendly, so I’m sure you would have tons of friends by the time you left!ReplyCancel