Top of the day to you wonderful people, you! I hope you are having a sparkling day. That’s what my sister likes to tell me. Isn’t it such a fun statement. I always remember walking out the door for school and hearing my sister say, “Have a sparkling day!” So I pass that on to you.
Anyways, another item that made my day sparkle was when my friend and fellow blogger Paula of Virginia Sweet Pea asked me if I wanted to do the Tour Through Blogland with her. It sounded like fun so I was in.
Basically, I’m going to feature some other great bloggers that I thought you may be interested in and then let you in some behind the scenes info about myself.
First off let’s talk about my super creative – and local friend – Paula. I met her last year at Haven Conference and am SO glad I did. We probably never would have met otherwise even though we only live 20 minutes away from each other.

Paula is all of the way on the left.
I’m always impressed with Paula’s creativity and super detailed and impressive projects. She can make the craftiest wreaths or really intensive woodworking projects. One of my favorites is her Plow and Hearth Knockoff Chevron End Table. It looks exactly like the pricey one but was a fraction of the cost. Plus, she got to do it with her husband, which probably makes it even that much more special.
Make sure to head over to Paula’s site to browse around and check out her awesome project gallery.
About Me
I’ve been blogging for 2 1/2 years and love having a creative outlet like this! I started this blog just a couple of months after I quit an all-consuming job that didn’t let me have a life – or hobby – at that. It was fun to realize, once I had time to breathe and think about something besides my job, that I was craving more creativity in my life. Plus, it would allow me to share my life with my friends and family – most of whom are out of town.
My current day job is working as a Communications Coordinator at our local water company. If you ever told me that I would not only work for a water company but LOVE working there, I wouldn’t have believed you. It just goes to show that if you work for and with great people, it makes a wonderful work environment. Plus, I was basically able to write my own job description which is pretty darn cool.
I am also a travel lover. I have been fortunate to spend time (in college) in some pretty amazing places, like China, Australia, New Zealand, France and Spain. Eric and I have big plans on travelling for the rest of our lives.
Oh yes, I am married to my best friend, man of my dreams, and my perfect counterpart. He was recently described as, “If you were more patient, you would be asleep”. Which is what I need in a husband since I can be…err…kind of high-strung and fiery, just like my hair.
What am I working on right now?
Well, I tend to have quite a few projects going on at once. I have a bunch of wood leaning against the wall in the other room waiting for me to make a bench out of it for our back deck.
I have paint swatches strewn out in our master bathroom as I am painting every single surface in that room – plus I need to add some major style to it with accessories and artwork.
And, like always, we are thinking about making some changes to our living room, since it seems to be the room that we can never seem to figure out. Many chairs, layouts, and rugs have come and gone in that room. Thinking about changing it up again. Geesh!
How does my work differ from those in this genre?
Well, I am the girl who embraces all of the color, all of the time, but has a husband with likes things a little bit more toned down. So it’s fun making that work together. Plus, we like to mix traditional and modern, which can also be interesting. But decorating – it’s all be done before, right?! So what really makes the difference between me and everyone else? Well, I like to think it is me. In all my interesting, quirky, pensive, funny ways. I hope that comes across in my projects and writing. Plus, I don’t just stick to decorating. I like to branch out with vegetarian recipes, desserts, and travel posts.
Why do I write/create the way that I do?
Basically, I can’t help it. I LOVE doing anything creative. It’s in my blood. I think it started with my mom, who always had our house perfectly decorated. It wasn’t a showroom, but a lived in style that was meticulously and gorgeously done – even if it was classic country chic. Decorating and DIY are just part of who I am – it’s where my thoughts wander almost constantly.
How does my writing/creative process work?
Well my creative process just kind of bounces around to what needs to be done in the house or what just isn’t setting well with me. I tend to think a lot before making any type of decision. Or if something isn’t quite gelling with me in our house, staring at it really helps me figure out what’s wrong and what I can do to make it better. Or sometimes it takes getting out of the house and hitting a thrift store to open up a new creative vein!
Now, let the Tour of Blogland Continue with…
Amy blogs at Always Never Done. We met at Haven this year and let me just say, she is a blast to hang out with! I had so much fun attending some classes with her and getting to know her. Plus, her blog is so fresh and creative.
A simply complex gal from the heart of the PA country side. A mom, wife, dog lover and DIY fanatic. I can and will Up-Cycle just about anything and turn into a functional and beautiful work of art. I also revamp run down furniture, paint it and sell it a local shop in my hometown.
She loves painting wall in creative ways, as shown in her herringbone ceiling project (which is a stunner)!
Lindee is a blogger at The Lindee Tree – and is also a new local friend! We also met at Haven this year and fun fact – she is a regular on Daytime Blue Ridge – the show that I’ve been on a few times.
I am a right-brained, American woman married to a left-brained Indian man. I love art, design, up-cycling and multiple DIY projects at the same time. He loves simplicity and order. I try to combine our personalities and cultural differences through art, design, food, and raising kids.

I love figuring out new ways to make my home tell a beautiful story without blowing my family’s budget.
I love the moment when you see some old piece of junk and a spark ignites and you suddenly know how to make it beautiful and desirable and useful and loved again.
I love feeling like I can do whatever I put my mind to.
Lovely Etc. is a place to join together with others who know that inexpensive doesn’t mean ugly. That beautiful doesn’t mean trendy. Who want their homes to reflect the things that make them feel happy and safe and comfortable.
I love her bold use of color and style – like in this painted plank wall.
I hope that you enjoyed meeting my friends and make sure to check out all their awesomeness on their blogs. Plus they’ll be hosting the Tour Through Blogland next week, so make sure to check back for those posts!
Thank you so much for the awesome feature! I’m so glad that we met through our blogs and I can’t wait to hang out with you again, hopefully very soon!
Right back at you, Paula!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! –and what creative ladies. Love your curtains. I am getting ready to re-do my husband’s office and need to make some. My son’s favorite part of this post is you on the camel. Ha! Great picture!
Haha! I love camels!
Sounds like a fun curtain project ahead of you too! I was glad I was able to introduce you on my blog…along with all the other creative ladies too!