My New Studio Apartment

Sound the gong! Ignite the confetti cannons! Turn on that strobe light! [What kind of party am I having here…?!] Let’s get this party started because I am finally, FINALLY showing you my sweet new small apartment digs.

I’ve been in the apartment for almost four months (!!) now and have been having the time of my life (for real…) figuring out this small space living, learning about my new city, exploring downtown, being a city girl, and using brand new modern appliances. Can a girl love a toilet this much? Yes, yes she can. I love my toilet, hard core. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I haven’t been posting as much because I have been living. Living so happily, so freely, so uninhibited and boisterously! This has to be one of the best life decisions I have made for myself in a long, long time. It’s amazing that 53 miles can do for your life. It’s been a game changer.

I’ve met new people, learned to factor in time to get to my car in a parking garage, walked everywhere around this little city, and learned how to carry everything to my apartment in one load (it gets interesting).

Okay, okay enough of me going on and on about this change, you probably want to see the place right? Well here is my blank little slate of an apartment before it got piled high with boxes.

This is the view I am welcomed to every day I walk in the door! Well, of course there is furniture now, but this is taken from the doorway. Those windows, right?! That kitchen?? I love everything about it. This is the living room, dining room, and kitchen. It truly is a small space, but it just works so well.

I am so in love with this kitchen. I love how modern it is, I love the accent wall, I love the wood color of the cabinets. It’s perfect. Is it small? Yes. But does all my stuff fit? Yes! With room to spare! Thank you organizational skills and downsizing (and being tall so I can use all those cabinets daily).

Can’s stop looking at this kitchen! I will show you (one day) the inside of my cabinets and how I made it like a tetrus puzzle and made everything fit. It was so oddly fun putting together the puzzle that is my kitchen. Everything was very thoughtfully placed.

This picture was taken with my back to the windows and facing the front door. I am using that wall as my dining area. Also, please excuse the mess that is my purse, modem, cables, and photography stuff.

This angle is with my back to the kitchen with the windows to my left and front door to my right. This is where my TV currently is.

The only downside about my apartment is that it is an inner apartment and the windows face into the open area between apartments and not out to the city. I call it my weather hole because it is a little dark, and I have a hard time telling what the weather is unless it’s raining or storming really hard.

This is standing in the hallway to the right of the kitchen looking into the bedroom area, with the bathroom to the left. This is true studio with no doors, which I love. It’s only me so I don’t need privacy from myself. Plus it makes the whole place seem so much bigger without the confines of extra doors and walls.

My bathroom!! I love my bathroom so much! It matches the kitchen, which helps unify the space. Plus, another beautiful grey accent wall. And that toilet. Yes, I am going to swoon over my energy and water efficient toilet. Makes me so happy.

This is standing in the bedroom looking towards the closet. Those windows look out into…an alleyway. Woo hoo the view! Also contributes to my weather hole. But napping is super great here.

At this point in my life, having a washer/dryer is essential and completely a deal breaker. I don’t know if I could handle a laundry mat anymore. Plus, how convenient is it to be in the closet? Almost eliminates the need for a hamper and makes laundry time a breeze! But I’m the oddball who actually enjoys laundry so I don’t really consider it a chore.

And finally, here is the other side of the closet. It is actually so much bigger than it looks! I fit all my cleaning supplies, a bookcase for storage and all my in-season clothes and shoes in here. Amazing right?! I just keep two bins under the bed for off season clothing and shoes. It all fits perfectly.

Oh well, I do have to point out that I have a small storage unit in the basement. That is mainly filled with books though. I can’t help it! I still can’t get rid of my books, although e-readers have definitely helped my storage space situation. As one of my friends helping me move in put it, “You know, moving would be so much easier if you didn’t have so many books!?” Well,  guess moving will always be challenging for me because I’m not letting go of the books, buster.

I am also working on a video tour because that helps so much in helping you get a sense of the flow of the apartment. Stay tuned for that!

I’ve been puttering around for months now trying to get everything in its proper place and it’s really coming together. Things are even on the wall! I can’t wait to give you a progress update soon!! Also, can you tell I LOVE my new place?? I am one happy girl here!

  • I love it and I know that you’ve made use of every single space. It’s cozy and modern and just perfect for you at this stage in your life. And it probably takes no time to clean!ReplyCancel

    • Thank you! I completely agree. I love every single part of this space!!! And the cleaning…it’s almost like what cleaning?! Except when I dump a whole container of mustard seeds in the kitchen….but anyways….Can’t wait for you to come visit!ReplyCancel