What Not To Wear: You Want to Dye My Hair Pink?!

Hello friends and welcome back to the What Not To Wear post! Did you catch this week’s episode? Well, I loved watching this week’s. Definitely one of my favorites ever! The featured woman this week was Beryl, a young, edgy artist who wore ratty, simple clothes. She was so cute underneath that though! As a young 20-something you could definitely see the potential behind the homeless look with the badly dyed pink(ish) hair. She was young; she was funky; she was receptive.

I also loved the ideas that this show delved into this episode. It really shows how they definitely reach deeper than just what the clothes are. They really look into what is causing this person to dress so drab. This week’s answer by Beryl was that she wanted to looking like she wasn’t trying in her clothing as not to distract from her work. Then, as the episode continued, her answer expanded. She said looking at herself equaled criticizing herself. Reading that you think “How terrible!”  but really, who doesn’t do that almost every time they look at themselves. Stacey’s answer was “What’s the purpose of hiding your light?! Be amazing!” I absolutely loved that! Of course, be amazing. We all can be in our special way. And Beryl did just that at the end. She was absolutely amazing. It was also a first that I remember on the show. They gave her fuchsia hair. It. was. awesome. Just check it out! Click here for the video.

Now to delve a little more into Stacey’s outfit highlights. Here is her on the intervention day. I love how she always tries to dress appropriately. You can see that this is a little bit of her edgy, but still classy and sophisticated. It was neat, when they surprised Beryl they were part of living art!

Recently I read a fashion article that was talking about staples that you need to have in your closet. They surprised me by saying you need a statement necklace. I guess the whole unique piece that can be changed between outfits so gets it worth. I think this is definitely one:

I LOVE this dress. It is really showing the bold colors and patterns that this season is all about.

Hope you liked this week’s recap! I would love your feedback on how you are liking the second reoccuring post. Love it? Hate it? Keep it? Trash it?

What I’m listening to: Adele – 21 (of course! It’s the #1 album of 2011 so really, who isn’t listening to it?)