Category Archives: Life & Love

Hi, my name is Megan, and I feel like when you meet you, you already know me. I put it all out there, wear my heart on my sleeve, and just pretty much show who I am up front. Sure, I have many, many layers the further you get, but I also feel like I…

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Pretty much the end of the world happened. I accidentally found out who Ben picks in The Bachelor this season. It might have been the cry that was heard around the world when it happened. I usually do everything possible to avoid spoilers. I love the anticipation and waiting game of finding out what will…

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All the fairy tales tell you love conquers all. That if you find that person and fall deeply, madly in love you will be happy for the rest of your life. Yes, yes, we know that fairy tales are aptly named because they are these illusions high in the clouds that aren’t real life. We…

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I feel like the world at large is always trying to have you have realistic expectations; nay, even low expectations so you can be surprised if something better happens. I think that’s trash. Stinky, smelly trash that needs to be incinerated immediately. I fully, wholeheartedly, joyfully believe that your life is meant to be momentous,…

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Look inward my darling. You have it all. If you feel lack, it is because you are looking externally to make you happy, whole. But darling, it is all within you. You’ve got it. You are it. You just have to recognize it. You have to harness it, embrace it, own it. You will never…

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