Guys, this is getting out of hand. But I’m not ready to give it up. It’s just too much fun. And think of the gas money it is saving me.  (Please don’t point out all the other money it is costing me.)

In all seriousness, subscription boxes are the way of the future (or are they already the way of the present?!) and for good reason. You get high quality, personalized items that show up at your doorstep. It’s online shopping but without thinking. You pay someone else to do the thinking, searching and shopping for you.

It all started with one and then I just kept going. Then I started to give them as presents. I love each of them for their highly specialized box need. I’m here to share with you my current boxes, in case you want to give them a try or want to give one as a gift this holiday season.

Stitch Fix

It all started with Stitch Fix. I think that is pretty apparent so far on the blog. I share all my boxes and do a fun little fashion show of all the items. Sometimes I even do videos.

My March Stitch Fix Review with the Brandy Metallic Chevron Blouse by Skies are Blue |

I’m sticking with Stitch Fix for a while. I went shopping the other day, and I didn’t love it. Not like I used to. I used to love the endless browsing, trying on different looks, and finding beautiful gems to bring home with me. The last time I went shopping I didn’t love the crowds, the browsing got old, and the selection wasn’t great (I also live in a smaller town). Plus, shopping is tempting. You want things you never thought you wanted to buy until you see them. Now, much less impulse buying.


I like that Stitch Fix gives you a personal stylist who does their best to match your style with your clothing requests. I like that it tries to match your requests but also pushes you out of your comfort zone at times and surprises you. I like that I am building a quality wardrobe slowly, with pieces that I love. Getting rid of those pieces I bought just because they were a good deal or because they still fit…8 years later.

My First Stitch Fix Review |

If you’re curious about Stitch Fix, you can click through and sign up. Once you’ve signed up you answer questions to complete your style profile, which your stylist then bases your fix on, plus a personal note you can write when you schedule your first fix. You can have them delivered on a regular basis or just pick a date to have it delivered. No minimum a year or anything like that. Just whenever you want one. You pay $20 as a stylist fee but it gets applied to anything you keep. As an extra bonus if you keep all 5 items you get a 25% discount, which sometimes makes one item seem free (based off the full prices of items).


Ipsy, what a fun little $10 delight you are a month! Ipsy is a monthly makeup subscription box (technically it comes in a hot pink envelope). You also fill out a style profile (you answer questions about your skin tone, skin type, hair, etc.) and they select five items to send you. Sometimes it is face lotions/creams/masks, hair products, eye shadow, makeup brushes, nail polish, etc. I know a few friends who have this one too, and a lot of time we get the same items. I don’t think it is as personalized as Stitch Fix but it’s still fun! Sometimes you get trial sizes and sometimes you get full size items.

My Ipsy Subscription Box |

Plus, they send it to you in these cute little bags every month with an inspirational quote. It’s a nice touch and they look nice on my refrigerator.


Okay, we’ve talked clothes and makeup so we might as well move on to jewelry, right?! So yes, I have a subscription box for jewelry too. While Stitch Fix will send you jewelry I opt to not get any from them and turn to Rocksbox for jewelry. This is really fun because it provides an endless supply of jewelry for $19 a month.

My Rocksbox Subscription |

You choose what types of jewelry you would like to receive (your choices are earrings, necklaces, rings, and bracelets). I opt not to get rings but I love all the others. They send you three items in each box. You can wear them as much as you want. If you want to buy any, you can. If not, you just send them back whenever you want and get another three to wear.

The pieces are supposed to be a little more high-end, designer pieces, but the prices range from all over if you want to buy them.

I LOVE this one so much. It’s so fun to have a rotating jewelry collection. You get to try colors and pieces that you might not normally. Plus, you get to make a wish list and request pieces you would like.

I’ve actually bought a couple and wear them on repeat. Odds are, if it’s super blingy, I might keep it.

Bootay Bag

Okay Dad, look away. I’m talking underwear. Haha. Yes, yes I have a subscription box (okay, bag again) for underwear. But who likes underwear shopping? Or rather, shelling out the cash for little lacy things that really shouldn’t cost that much….see Dad, I warned you to stop reading.

Bootay Bag Subscription

So now I have a cute little package that shows up every month with two pairs of underwear in it. It is $12 a month (that’s $6 a pair) and it’s totally worth it. Says the girl who has held onto underwear for way too long. Now this gives me an excuse to retire those pairs that need to find their way to the trash can.

Dollar Shave Club

Now, this one is FOR Dad to read! But it’s not a surprise to him. It’s actually the present that keeps on giving. I got this a subscription to the Dollar Shave Club for Father’s Dad (or his birthday? Not sure). I picked the mid range one so it’s actually $6 a month (or you can pick $1 a month or $9).

Dollar Shave Club

The first time you sign up they send you a razor handle and four cartridges. Then each month they send you four new cartridges. Pretty sweet, right? I also know some ladies that do this for their legs, but I haven’t made the leap yet since I have the most sensitive skin ever.

Ok, there it is, a pretty long list of my subscription box loves. What do you think? Love them or leave them? Any you have tried?

Also, these are all affiliate links so I get a little something from each company if you sign-up through them, which I really appreciate!

Crafty Box

PS – Here is a little bonus for you too! This isn’t a box that I have used yet, but it is a box that asked me if they could use my project for their craft of the month!

Bloggers Secret Santa: DIY Lighting Christmas Canvas | www.rhapsodyinrooms.comLighted-Christmas-Canvas-11

Crafty Box is just starting out and MY project is the first project they are using in December! You can sign-up and have all the DIY supplies delivered right to your doorstep. Plus, since we’re tight and all, you can save 20% off the $34.99 price by using this code CBOX20DEC through December 31, 2015. That makes it around $28. Good for you or for a present – or both!!

Crafty Box

  • You are a bad influence on me! Now I find out that I need a makeup, underwear, shaving, and craft box in addition to my Stitch Fix and Rocksbox. In all seriousness, I am going to check out the underwear subscription box!

    Congrats on getting asked to use your Christmas project. That’s wonderful!ReplyCancel

    • Haha. Just getting back at you for getting me hooked on Stitch Fix. 😉 Kidding! I love that you got me hooked! Oh wait, and you got me hooked on Rocksbox too! So now I get to hook you on Bootay Bag, It’s pretty great.ReplyCancel

  • Thank you for the review. We love it!
    Hope your still enjoying (;

    • Hi Elly! Thanks so much for the comment! I am loving the service so much!! Keep ’em coming!ReplyCancel

I proclaim this here and now: I do not want to fall in love until I don’t feel like I need it.

If I desperately feel a deep need to be loved, I don’t think it is the right kind of love.

If I feel the NEED for love, what am I really looking for?

Love is not a need |

Am I looking for a person to fill something within in me that I feel that I am missing, that I need?

Am I feeling insecure? Bad about myself? Like I need man validation? I’m lonely? Someone to keep me warm at night?

Well, those don’t seem like good reasons to fall in love.

Love is not a need |

I don’t want to need anyone to fill any of those needs in my life. I want to feel 100%, super awesome, happy, fulfilled, and good about myself as me.

If I am looking for someone to fulfill a need of mine, I am not ready to give them the love that they deserve, nor am I ready to receive a healthy love either.

Love is not a need |

I don’t want us to both need love, but be ready to just be love, share love, and be able to be the best love. The giving love. Not the selfish love.

I want to accept the unselfish love, let it wash over me, and let it lift my whole being up. Whole being the key word. Then I will be able to absorb it, feel it, cherish it, love the love, and send it right back out.

  • Debbie

    Thank you for the tip! I’ve never heard of this product. This certainly has to be safer and more earth friendly than the harsh drain clog chemicals.ReplyCancel

  • I like your expression ‘healthy love’. It is hard to find such kind of love, because people nowadays have unlearned to give. The selfish love is dominating. Though I hope that a ‘healthy love’ is real and can be granted to those people who still believe in it.ReplyCancel

    • Thank you so much! I definitely believe that there is still healthy love in the world!ReplyCancel

Well hello there. If you know anything about me, you probably know that I have a lot of hair. Like, a lot. And it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. I’m actually seeing how long it can get. From past experience in middle school, that is somewhere around my waist.

The more hair I get, the more high maintenance it becomes. The drying time alone…geesh. But one of the main problems with this heavy mane is in the shower, when my hair likes to go down the drain and clog it up. That’s no good. No one likes pooling water at their feet in the shower. No, no.

No More Clogged Showers with Drain Wig |

I’ve used those plastic covers for the drains before. They’ve done me well but sometimes they clog up too or get all gross and mildewy. So when DrainWig reached out to this redhead and asked if I wanted to try their hair catching drain catchers, I was totally on board.

They offer two types of drain savers (one for showers, one for tubs), but really, if you have a tub they both will work. And look how cute these are?!

No More Clogged Showers with Drain Wig |

Basically they are a cord that you thread down your shower drain and then suction cup the sailboat or flower to your shower. That’s it. Then you just shower as normal. Once you find that water pooling at your ankles (2-4 months later) you just pull it out, toss it in the garbage, and replace it. That’s it.

No More Clogged Showers with Drain Wig |

No More Clogged Showers with Drain Wig |

They say you can use them about 2-4 months without replacing. I am working on month three here (obviously since I was in shorts when I installed it!), and the water still slides smoothly down the drain without a clog in sight. I’m hoping with just one person using my shower it will last quite a few months!

No More Clogged Showers with Drain Wig |

I am definitely a super fan of these easy to use, drain saving, non-ankle pooling devices.

With Christmas coming up wouldn’t this be a fun stocking stuffer for the long-haired lady in your life? 😉 Or, you can just win the set below. Yes, even better, right?


To win one of each of the types of DrainWig products, just leave me a comment below and tell me something fun!

This contest is only open to US residents. Contest closes at midnight on Monday, November 23rd.

If you want to buy these they can be found at Walmart or Bed Bath & Beyond. You can also learn more by checking out their Facebook page.

DrainWig provided me with the product to give it a shot in my shower but all opinions and hair are my own.

  • What a neat product! Sometimes I wonder how I have any hair left when I look at what’s in my drain and what’s on my bathroom floor and in my hair brush.ReplyCancel

    • I totally agree! SO much hair falls out of my head each day. It’s a miracle I still have so much!ReplyCancel

  • Dorothy McG

    What a clever idea. My 2 grandsons have slope is ( no body hair) so my son in law always knew who’s hair was holding up the flow in the bathtub drain.ReplyCancel

    • Uh-oh! No getting off the hook with whose hair was down the drain!ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Rogers

    I love this product and your blog post!! I am having some major hair-in-drain issues with three people using one shower!! I am telling you, reaching down in the bellows of the shower drain pipe to pull out slime-covered hair is not a fun weekend afternoon!! However, this is not “something fun,” as was your request. What would be fun is if I was given such a pretty DrainWig Product!!!! No more slimy hair!! Whoo!!!

    Thanks for always keeping us all in the know!!


    • “Reaching down in the bellows of a shower drain…”. So well put! Definitely not something anyone likes to do! No more slimy hair! Love you!!ReplyCancel

Almost unbeknownst to be, my goal of life for a long time was to find a spouse – or at least a man. It started in third grade with my little boy crushes that never seemed to end. There was another boy each year that consumed my thoughts and it was a goal (although I didn’t see it then) to get that boy’s attention and to get him to like me.

The endless cycle of seeing boy and wanting boy to see me.

This boy would get me excited to go to school some days and would cause me grief other days.

Yes, I was a normal boy crazy kid. But that kind of cycle didn’t end in high school. I had different approaches and each year my perspective and maturity grew (here’s hoping at least).

None of my tactics or approaches worked. No boy I ever liked, liked me back. I was 20 years old and forever boyfriend-less.

Totally made me feel like a loser sometimes. Totally made me one strong, independent chick as well.

Then BINGO BABY. I won. I found a man who eventually became my spouse. It was like I had finally won, got the big prize, and accomplished the life goal of finding someone who loved me enough to pledge forever to me.

Mission complete. Check it off the list. Society now completely understands and accepts me.

Hands and Heart

Then, uh-oh, I lost that man at age 27.

Since this had almost seemed like my life’s goal, did that just mean that I failed my goal? I failed my life? I was a failure?

Oh wait, no, there I go again, getting right back out there trying to find a man, trying to accomplish that life goal.

Until that crashed and burned in a crazy mess of a relationship, a one week rebound period of dating, and then the crash and reality of “What the heck am I doing?”

I stopped. Just stopped.

I mourned. I felt alone. I cried.

Then I regained this incredible new insight. This new view on life.

Life is not about getting a man. Whoa. What had I been doing for the past (now) 28 years? Trying to get a man to accomplish the goal of finding validity and happiness in someone loving you back.

Which is awesome. I love love. It’s the best feeling in the world.

There is so much more though. There is so much love out there that doesn’t come from a man. There is a world to explore that isn’t with the intent of your future man popping up around the corner.

Love on the Street

There is your complete you and this incredible world out there ready for you to explore. Whether that world is actually the whole world or just the corner of it you occupy, that’s your world. It’s yours, yours, yours – no man needed.

What if we stopped looking for that man and started looking for other things? Things to better ourselves, better the world, better our corner, make us laugh, change perspective.

There’s so much else out there when you stop participating in the rat race of relationships.

I got so caught up in fitting into societal norm and finding validity in the relationship game, I closed off other parts of my life, of the world.

Cheers, to you if you already got this. Reading this back I know it’s a simple concept and even I laugh at myself a little. But it happened. It might happen again. Being loved is intoxicating and there’s nothing like it. But maybe it’s time to expand that love and see where else you can find it and other ways to give it.


Life is not about finding a man – life is about expanding all the love inside you to everyone in your life, your world and opening your arms to all the love. To finding more of yourself every day.

Sparkle. Glitter. Shine. Gold. Metallics. If you’ve been around these parts much at all, you know those are typical words in my everyday vocabulary. I can’t help it. I’m a girl with a love of all things shiny and glittery.

To me, all that glitters is good all year round, but it’s not for everyone. However, come holiday time it seems like everyone jumps on the glitter train. Welcome to the fun side of life, in all its sparkliest best.

Sometimes I like things that are full on bling (ok, most of the time) but then there are times where I appreciate a subtle sheen as well.

I thought I would round-up some of my favorite blingy things that you can use all year round but are especially appropriate this time of year as well. All these items are gathered from Kirkland’s who has a GIANT array of metallic and shiny objects on their website.

Kirklands Falling for Metallics

Which one if your favorite? I would definitely have them all but the one that really captures my heart is surprising even to me. That “Bonjour Ya’ll” canvas just kills it for me.

I live in the south but have staunchly refused to say ya’ll ever. I hold on to my “you guys” New England phrase. But a canvas that marries my love of living in the south with my love of traveling (and France) is a definite winner. Ok, I think I’ve talked myself into buying it. [In all seriousness, I literally typed that sentence, found out it was on sale for $9.99 and bought it. And this is coming from a non-impulse buyer. It will be here next week. #winning]

This post is not sponsored by Kirkland’s. I’m just sharing my genuine love for the things I’ve found there. Plus, they helped me with the graphic which was just super cool.

  • I miss Kirkland’s being in our mall. Do you even remember that?

    You’ve found some super cute and sparkly things that they carry. I love the Bonjour Y’all pillow and think that it will be super cute in your apartment.ReplyCancel

    • I miss Kirkland’s being in our mall too! I used to go in there all the time! Their selection online is so great though! So even though we don’t have a store you can’t beat shopping online!ReplyCancel

  • Thanks for the love Megan!ReplyCancel

    • Absolutely! I had so much fun writing this and finding all the beautiful metallic things!ReplyCancel

  • Metallic colors offer a great way to decorate! Whether hanging art in silver and gold tones, buying a throw pillow in a metallic color, or buying drapes in a metallic color, there is truly something for everyone. You can also use metallic colors to give your living space a unique feel.ReplyCancel

    • I totally agree! Metallics can add so much dimension and style to a space!ReplyCancel